Robert Feczesin: "I was sure that we would finish off the season well"

The forward feels that a good pre-season will help if we are to do well in the Europa League.

"It was a difficult season. It started badly for the team and also for me, as I suffered an ankle injury, which meant I had to miss several games. We really started from a very low point, but we were more balanced towards the end of the autumn. The winter pre-season went well and the team then moved forwards following that. I think that our whole season would have been like the spring one, which would have seen us battling for even bigger targets. However, I think that we brought out our best at the end of the season. I was sure even during the worst periods that we would stand up and finish the season well. Going out of the Hungarian cup against Ferencvaros knocked us a little, which had an effect in the league, but I could see in the player' that they wanted to really show what they could do. We had full belief towards the end of the season, and it helped us secure second place. Fate repaid us a little, as the results of our opponents also went in our favour. I will spend the first part of the break relaxing, before visiting my cousin in New York and a friend of mine in London. I have already started my personal training plan, and am really looking forward to the new season. I am especially looking forward to us playing in the Europa League. I feel that we will do well in the Europa League with a good pre-season behind us" - commented Robert Feczesin to

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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