Mate Patkai: We deserve our three goal win

The midfielder scored the important first goal and shared his thoughts on the win.

"We prepared to win at all costs in Tallinn. The management had installed this in us over the whole week. Naturally I am very pleased that I contributed with a goal towards the teams success. The fact that we finally won by such a margin is also pleasing. It was not an easy game but I felt that we deserved to win by three goals. We also had further chances to score in the game. The home side had perhaps a couple of efforts at goal over the 90 minutes. We were very stable at the back and that played a key role. We are all looking forward to the draw on Friday and we will find out who our opponents could be in the next round. Naturally we will be making sure that we go through as we have the return leg next Thursday. We will all continue to prepare seriously for that game" - commented midfielder Mate Patkai.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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