Bernard Casoni takes charge of a good natured training session at the Borisov Arena

Bernard Casoni took part in a press conference on Tuesday evening. He then took charge of the training session at the location of Wednesday's game.

Manager Bernard Casoni spoke at the location of the game, which is in Borisov, some 60km from the capital city of Minsk. "BATE are a strong and well organized team with great European cup experience. This could be seen in the first leg match last week. We still created plenty of problems for the Belarus side despite that. We aim to do the same in the 2nd leg and of course try to fight our way through to the next round. We want to make it to the Champions League play off's!"

Training started earlier than planned at 18:45pm local time at the Borisov Arena. The near one hour session was more of a light one. The team will have dinner at 21:30pm and then the players will head to their rooms for some much needed rest following a long day. The most important match of the season will be played on Wednesday.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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