Oliver Tamas: I tried to give everything

The youngster spoke shortly after his debut in the game against Mezokovesd.

"I was very happy to find out that the coaching staff were counting on me in the starting line-up against Mezokovesd. I was happy to be able to make my debut in the NB I, but I must also say that I did not dream of such a debut as this. I'm sorry we lost at Mezokovesd. In the first half I was able to get more involved in the attacks, I also had a promising shot at goal, overall I am not dissatisfied with my game. Naturally I am aware that I still have a lot of work to do to become a real NB I player. The pace is much faster here in NB I than I am used to in the NB III last year, and the players are much more comfortable on the ball. It’s not easy to compete with the attackers, but I tried to give it my all”- Oliver Tamas told our website.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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