Laszlo Lencse is looking forward to facing Wales

I am pleased that the game with Wales will be played in Fehervar, as the fans here like their football

The squad met up at Telki on Monday. Was there any word about the previous day's game between Videoton and Debrecen?
I would not say that this was the main topic between us, but there was a little bit of teasing, as Balazs Farkas played for us last season, and is now a Debrecen player. He reminded us that we lost on Sunday, but this was only a bit of gentle teasing between friends and nothing more.

The transfer window shut on August 31st. Will you remain a Videoton player and what plans do you have for the future?
I would like to get into the team, as I feel that I am in good form right now. I know that there are several good strikers at our club, and it will not be easy to get in front of them. I am also trying to get some attention for myself with the way I am training, plus the fact that I will hopefully play in the U21 game with Wales. If I do get another chance at Videoton, then I would like to grab it and score a goal.

How has preparation gone for Saturday's big game?
Antal Roth put us through some high tempo and tough training sessions at the start of the week. I think that we tired a little, so we are now just taking it easier, freshening things up, so that we can be in perfect form on Saturday.

You, Szakaly and Gosztonyi all know the new pitch at Fehervar well. Have any of the other players asked you about it or what to expect?
One or two players have asked about it so far, and I have proudly told them just how good the new pitch will be on Saturday. I hope that many fans will turn out for the game and support us. We will really need their backing, and we really have a great chance to qualify from the group. The fans in Fehervar like their football, so I think that it was a good decision to bring the match there.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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