In conversation with Zoltan Liptak

It was a very good autumn season for the defender

- What was the best game of the season?
+ I do not think it is a surprise when I say the match at ZTE in the league. It was a hard game on a difficult pitch, against a good team, and we won, which is why I have chosen that game. 

- What was the biggest surprise over the autumn?
+ I would have to go for our home defeat to Honved. However, I also felt that the match at Debrecen would go down as another failure. I would also put our first game of the season, at Siofok as another one for this category. 

- Your goal of the season?
+ I would choose Andre Alves' goal at Kaposvar. It was the third goal in that game, where he scored from a tight angle, and curled the ball in to the top corner. 

- You have also became a constant starter for the international side....
+ Yes, and I am very pleased about that, even if I say that there were times when I felt confused, especially when I would return after international games. Thankfully I was able to get over these, and I felt that I had a good autumn season from a personal point of view. 

- Have there been any concrete bids for you.. and is there a chance that you may stay at the club over the winter period?
+ There are possibilities for me at the moment, and I would like to prove myself abroad once again, but I would like to play in England most of all. However, I have spoken with the manager, and he would prefer me to leave over the summer. I would be pleased if I could get an offer from a foreign side, but if not, I will not be bitter. I would then leave next summer, with a league title medal in my pocket....

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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