"We are ready"

Former Genk player Balazs Toth is looking forward to facing his old side

Balazs Toth: - "I played three years in Genk, and we had nice successes, like when we won the Belgium Cup in 2009 for example. As I look at the squad of our opponents for Thursday, there have been significant changes, since I left them, and I found around six players, with who I played with in the past. They are a very well organized side, who play aggressive football, and this is their main strength. I believe that Genk will be similar with our other Europe league opponent, Gent. However, their style of football is totally different. Genk are physically stronger, and as I have already mentioned, use their power and strength. I know that the game will be played in a great atmosphere, as the town really does love football. We have been working really hard over the last few days, and the coaching staff, just as always, have prepared us really well. We are ready as a team, to achieve a very good result in Belgium.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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