Zoran Zekic: The most important is to behave as a team on the pitch

The DVTK manager hopes his side can play for pride having already been relegated.

"It doesn’t matter at all how we say goodbye or what memories we leave of ourselves in the first division. I expect players to show me what kind of footballers they are and what striking personalities they have. And this time too, the most important thing is to behave as a team on the pitch. Ever since I arrived in Diosgyor, I couldn't wait to finally experience for myself the power of the support of the fans from the stands. While walking in the city, I saw how much this club meant to the fans, but unfortunately they couldn’t come in for the games. The grimace of fate is that they may now return when they are understandably sad and rightly disappointed" - commented Zoran Zekic as his DVTK side takes on Vidi at 17:30pm.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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