Yevhen Makarenko: We all need to perform to the maximum

Our Ukrainian international midfielder hopes that a lot of fans will support his team! 

"We have to play very disciplined against Ferencváros on Wednesday night. For the team, the fans and the club, this will be an extremely important match, a real derby against a very good team. I feel that despite our difficulties we are in good form, as we proved in the cup game against Sopron. I hope that we will be able to play in front of a lot of fans on Wednesday and that it will be a celebration of football. It is very important that we all follow the strategy that our head coach will outline before kick-off. On Wednesday night it will not be enough to play well to beat our opponents, everyone on the pitch must give their maximum from the first whistle to the end of the match." - commented Jevhen Makarenko.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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