"We're going to be up against a battle-hardened opponent who will attack"

In Sunday's match we will play in Nyíregyháza, it will be the first game for the Sabolci team in the new stadium. We asked our young goalkeeper, Martin Dala, who spent last season on loan with them, about Vidi's chances.

On Sunday evening we will play in Nyíregyháza. Have you been to the new stadium?

Last season we played our home games in Balmazújváros, but we have been to a photo shoot in the new stadium, so I had the chance to see it. At that time, the interior and the offices were still under construction, but the stands and the grass were ready, so the stadium will not be completely unfamiliar to me.

In the 2023/2024 season, Nyíregyháza became champions of the NB II, and as a player on loan you were actively involved in that. What are the strengths of Krisztian Tímár's team?

Last year we had an outstanding team in NB II. We played high-tempo football, we were tactically disciplined and always knew exactly what we wanted to do. This tactic also worked against NB I teams in the Hungarian Cup. Nyíregyháza got a bit stuck at the start of this season, but knowing Krisztián Tímár, I'm sure we'll be up against a motivated team. Because of the stadium inauguration, in front of thousands of people, we will face a fighting opponent who will attack.

How do you see the team and what do you expect from the match?

These two days off have definitely been good, everyone has had a rest. We finally have a full week to prepare for a game, which is a big help. We have to play smart, because Nyíregyháza will surely be fired up. If we stick to the tactical instructions and play our own game in a disciplined way, I hope the balance will tip in our favour..

Dala Martin


Dala Martin


2024-2025 szezon

2 Meccs

0 Gól

180 Játszott perc

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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