We rescued a point in the 95th minute in Felcsút

In a varied and exciting match, we picked up a point at the home of the league leaders.

OTP Bank Liga, 2023-2024, Őszi szezon, 4. forduló

18 augusztus péntek

OTP Bank Liga
Puskás Akadémia FC
  • Plsek
  • Plsek


Pancho Aréna Felcsút

Fehérvár FC
  • Kodro
  • Katona

Puskás Akadémia FC

Markek Tamás - Batik Bence, Colley Lamin, Levi Jonathan (Favorov Artem 78'), Slagveer Luciano (Gruber Zsombor 86'), Golla Wojciech, Plsek Jakub, Stronati Patrizio, Corbu Marius (Komáromi György 65'), Szolnoki Roland, Ormonde-Ottewill Brandon

Fehérvár FC

Tóth Balázs - Csongvai Áron (Bese Barnabás 80'), Nikola Serafimov, Spandler Csaba, Fiola Attila (Rúben Pinto 80') - Deybi Flores (Mamoudou Karamoko 80'), Tobias Christensen (Szabó Levente 86') - Katona Mátyás, Kalmár Zsolt (Pető Milán 73'), Schön Szabolcs - Kenan Kodro

Andó-Szabó Sándor

Andó-Szabó Sándor

Georgiou Theodoros, Berényi Ákos, Káprály Mihály, Oláh Gábor

On Friday late afternoon we played against PAFC in the Pancho Arena in Felcsút. Our head coach named Balázs Tóth and Zsolt Kalmár in the starting line-up for the first time. Vidi started the match with the following line-up: Tóth B. - Csongvai, Serafimov, Spandler, Fiola - Flores, Christensen - Katona, Kalmár, Schön - Kodro.

In the 10th minute, Zsolt Kalmár shot from 20 meters but missed the target, and a minute later Puskás Akadémia took the lead. After Colley's solo pass, he gave a great pass to Plsek, who arrived all alone inside the penalty area and calmly stoked the ball into the far corner (1-0).

In the 16th minute Levi's long range free kick went over the goal, and shortly afterwards we saw the first Tóth save. Colley's cross was headed at goal by Levi, Tóth made a great save but could only hit the ball into the middle of the box for Corbu, fortunately the young did not make clear contact in a great position. Half an hour of the match had passed when Kodro gave PAFC's goalkeeper something to work on, our Bosnian international striker from 17 yards out aimed a low shot into the bottom right corner, Markek saved with a smart stop. In the 32nd minute, Colley received a fine ball - but despite being in front of our goal alone, Balázs Tóth again made a great save.

In the 39th minute we equalised! After Kalmár's free kick, Kodro's header and it bounced off the crossbar and over the line. The referee gave the goal after some deliberation, and the VAR review confirmed the verdict (1-1). We didn't see another chance until the break.

The second half of the game started with the same 22 players that had run out onto the green pitch of the Pancho Arena at the start of the game. Immediately we saw another home chance, Levi dribbled, passed the ball to Slagveer, who shot from 13 meters out but Balázs Tóth saved with his foot. At the other end there was also a lot of action, after a nice solo shot from 15, Plsek was able to block.

In the 76th minute, PAFC took the lead again unexpectedly, as Plsek's 16-meter shot bounced off Serafimov's foot, which deceived Balázs Tóth, and the ball ended up in our goal (2-1). In the 90th minute, Levente Szabó fought hard, played the ball to Schön, who passed to Katona, who shot from 18 yards to the bottom right corner - this ball also changed direction a little bit but the scoreboard read 2-2. In the last minutes, we didn't see another goal, so our team returned home with a point from the home of the leaders.

Next week, Mezőkövesd will visit the Sóstói Stadium.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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