Two goal defeat at the home of Bekescsaba

The home team took the lead with a volley in the first half. They extended their lead in the second half to record a 2-0 win. Vidi had a lot of the play but could not create any big chances.

Week 10 of the OTP league season saw Vidi travel to the home of Bekescsaba. Heavy rain had fallen on the Korhaz street stadium pitch ahead of the game. However, the pitch remained in a good condition.

Home team captain Zsolt Balog suffered an injury during the warm up, which forced them in to a change and Viktor Vadasz got the chance to start. The game was fairly balanced in the opening 10 minutes. There was one or two shots on goal that did not prove too dangerous to deal with. Nego, Suljic and Gyurcso all had crosses in to the box but the home defence stood firm and dealt with anything that came their way.

Vidi had the better of the play as the half progressed. However, Zoran Spisljak's side then scored a goal against the run of play after 22 minutes. Fabio played the ball to Laczko, who sent the ball in from the left. Lang headed the ball out, before Viczian controlled it and following a bounce hit a strong shot from 20 meters out to make it 1-0.

Vadasz then cleared the ball from infront of his own goal after a 28th minute Gyurcso free kick. Benyei then hit a low shot on 31 minutes, which Danilovics saved. Borbely then shot over the bar for the home side 4 minutes later as the action continued. Suljic showed good skill towards the end of the first half, but it did not produce a chance. The home side then extended their lead on 45 minutes. Birtalan sent a ball in to the middle, which Calvente connected with and sent a low shot in to the back of the net from 10 meters out, which Danilovics could not save. (2-0).

Feczesin came on at half time for Kovacs, but the game continued off from where it ended in the first half. It was Vidi that had more of the attack with the lilacs happy to sit back and defend. They relied on hitting the visitors on the counter attack. The 52nd minute saw a cross from Stopira find the head of Lang, while Suljic' cross in to the middle fell to Patkai, who tried to convert it into a chance. Gyurcso then cut inside on 55 minutes but his shot was blocked by the home defender. Feczesin then had a shot from 13 meters, which went wide of the right hand post.

The pressure remained on the Bekescsaba goal as the match continued. The defenders were able to deal with any cross that arrived in to the box, while shots were not on target or blocked. Spitzmuller had a shot at the other end for the home team, which went wide of the post. Gyurcso's cross after 79 minutes was flicked on by Feczesin for Oliveira, who arrived at the far post but his shot went off a defender and wide of the goal.

A Vinicius header towards the end of the match and a free kick from Poloskei were the final bits of action in a game that Bekescsaba ended up winning by a two goal margin. Vidi are next in action against the Puskas Academy at the Sostoi stadium next Saturday.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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