Two Brazilian forwards at Videoton?

The manager talks about the forwards situation at the club

Gyorgy Mezey spoke about the current situation regarding his forwards at the club. He wanted to set the record straight following various stories in the Hungarian media. 

"We have suddenly received various offers for our player, Andre Alves, over recent days," - began the manager. "I feel that the time has come for the club to draw a close to these links and sometimes rumours. This needs to be done now to avoid damaging our pre-season period. With regard to the Alves situation, my view is fairly straight forward: I do not want him to leave us! At the beginning of the transfer window, I was in complete agreement that if Andre wished to leave, he could do so, in the event of a football club meeting the transfer fee of Videoton FC. However, this did not happen. In the end, Alves, himself decided to stay with us. I can see that he is in a good mood, and he is working with enthusiasm, and wants to win the league with us. I have already said that if he wishes to stay, then we will have to sit down with him and work out a new deal. I would also like to mention Cesar Augusto, who has been with us here in our Spanish training camp on trial. He is a talented player and I count him as one of us. I have spoken to the management of our club, and I am awaiting the results of the negotiations with him. It would be important for the player to join us as soon as possible. 

At the same time, I have come to the conclusion that Goran Vujovics needs to go out on loan to another club, over the spring season. I would also like Laszlo Lencse to go out on a loan deal. Vujovics' contract with us expires in the summer, and it now looks as if he will not be signing an extension. I would like to see Lencse go out and get some games under his belt, and see how he does. If these two players go out on loan, and we are talking about two forwards - then we will have to keep Alves, and sign Cesar at the same time. I have recommended that Marko Andics be given a new contract with the club. At the moment only Balazs Farkas has signed an extension with us. I would stress that at the moment, finding a solution to the forward situation is the most important task. "

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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