The two head coaches assessed the MOL Fehérvár FC - Paksi FC match

Szabolcs Huszti and Róbert Waltner gave their thoughts to journalists after the match.

Szabolcs Huszti:

"It will be very difficult to assess the match, I thought a lot about what to say. For sure, it was a draw worthy of a defeat. The team that earns it is the lucky one. It's not the first time Vidi have conceded a last minute goal. In terms of attitude, this match was better than our cup game against PAFC, but in terms of quality it was still not enough, especially what the team showed in the second half. We really just wanted to survive this 90 minutes. I am very angry and disappointed. Maybe we are a bit over qualifying the players, maybe we don't have the quality in the players that many people think we have. 12 points after 12 games is outrageous and unacceptable. I am trying to contribute as much as possible to make the team as successful as possible. I fully understand the frustration of the fans. Many coaches have come and gone at Vidi recently, it may not always be the coaches that are the problem. We need to discuss with the management and the sporting director the way forward for the club, as Vidi has a good foundation, a nice stadium and excellent fans. This club deserves a team like the one I played for. We need to think about the future. We have a full week to prepare for the game against Budapest Honvéd, I'm still getting to know the players and I'll be working to get the team out of this slump."

Róbert Waltner:

"I think we played better than our opponents in this game, we deserved to win and we did everything we could to do that. We came to Székesfehérvár after a game in which I was not satisfied with the attitude or the play. We knew that it would not be easy for us, because it is never easy to play football at Vidi's home. Vidi have a lot of good players and I am sure that they will do better in the future and move up the table, which is why I consider the one point we got to be valuable. What I regret is that we didn't score our equaliser a few minutes earlier, because if the game had gone on for another three or four minutes, I think we could have fought for the win. We had chances, we played spectacularly in places, we had more chances than Vidi. My players deserve all the praise, the boys worked hard and fought as a real team, helping each other out."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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