Talking with Gyorgy Sandor

The midfielder talks about his love for hunting

"My love for hunting began when I was a child" - began Vidi midfield player Gyorgy Sandor. "My family come from an area, which is today in the Ukraine. My Grandfather and father both hunted, and they "infected" me with the same! There was a shortage of dogs, so they needed people to help out, so I offered to help, and ended up running a lot. Even nowadays, when I am back at home with the family, I go out and hunt for small animals. At the same time, I keep my eyes open and learn what I can. I have not yet used a gun, and I do not have permission to use one. However, I have always wanted to hunt with a gun, and hopefully soon that will become a reality.

I have been attending a gun course here in Fehervar, and at the end I will get a license to use weapons. I will then buy my own gun. Once I obtain my hunting license, I can then join a group of hunt myself with a gun. 

Gyorgy Sandor is a busy man and is also studying physical education at a local university, which will end up with a diploma. Lack of time has been the real reason why I have not managed to get it yet. The problem with time is not with the studying, but rather that I cannot always make it to the lessons, which is a big part. 

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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