Report: Defeat away to Paks

The home side came from 2-0 down to win the match with a goal in the 94th minute.

Our team played the opening match of the 21st round of the OTP Bank League in Paks on Friday at 20:00. Michael Boris went for the starting line-up of Dániel Kovács - Nego, Fiola, Lüftner, Rus, Hangya - Alef - Pinto, Zulj - Dárdai - Kodro against the Green-Whites, while Paks' manager György Bognár, in addition to the top league goalscorer Ádám Martin, also named Bálint Szabó, who was brought up in Fehérvár, and Olivier Tamás, who made his debut in the NB I for Vidi, among others.

We took the lead in the 3rd minute! Peter Zulj, who came out from the midfield, received a great ball from Alef and confidently shot from 14 meters into the right side of the goal (0-1)! Six minutes later, Adam Martin managed to keep the ball between Rus and Lüftner, but after a feint, he shot the ball over the goal from 16 metres. In the 11th minute, Fiola tried to take advantage of the home team's hesitation after a corner, he put the ball over the goal from a corner ahead of the surprised Gergely Nagy. Two minutes later, however, luck did not save Paks, Pinto's shot was blocked by the home defender, but Dárdai shot cleverly into the bottom left corner (0-2).

Less than 20 minutes into the game, Zsolt Haraszti, who also played for Vidi earlier in his career, got the ball on the left and curled it into the far corner from 18 metres (1-2). In the 24th minute, Dániel Kovács was on hand to push Kinyik's header out for a corner. Half an hour into the match, Bálint Szabó lifted the ball past Kovács from a sharp angle, but our former player could not find the net. A minute later Kovács had to save twice, both times a header was saved by the Vidi goalkeeper. In the 34th minute, after a free kick, Kinyik, who was a constant threat from set pieces, nodded at goal, but Kovács saved easily. Five minutes before the end of the first half, Gergely Nagy made a great save from Zulj after a bad clearance, and a minute later Szabó set up Balázs Balogh, who hit the ball badly, so Kovács did not have to save. At the end of the half, Medgyes shot from 18 metres out, but our goalkeeper was on the spot again, and Gergő Bogár Bogár blew his whistle for half time.

At the break, Medgyes was replaced by János Szabó, Bálint Szabó was replaced by Böde, while Vidi manager Michael Boris did not make a substitution. The second half was seven minutes old when, after Alef's clearance, Kodro created a shooting opportunity for himself, but the Bosnian striker failed to fire into the bottom left corner from eight yards. In the 56th minute, Adam Martin headed the ball into our goal, but he pushed Fiola away first and the goal was disallowed. With 60 minutes played, Kristóf Papp headed at goal from five metres following a left-wing cross.

In the 63rd minute, we saw a very good save by Dániel Kovács, who saved a shot by Haraszti, then Ádám Martin hit the post from close range before we could clear. In the 69th minute, Nikolic and Evandro came on for Kodro and Pinto, and our Brazilian striker immediately found himself in position, but he sent the ball a little wide of goal. At the beginning of the 75th minute, Nikolic took the ball past Gergely Nagy, but he drifted a bit, before our striker tried to curl the ball from a sharp angle - he didn't miss much. A minute later, Sajbán, also a substitute, fired inside the penalty area, but it was right at Adam Martin.

Towards the final quarter of the game, Szendrei replaced Michael Lüftner, with Alef coming back into the middle of the defence. In the 82nd minute, Nikolic came very close to breaking József Szabó's club record, but the striker hit the crossbar from six metres. Unfortunately, almost immediately afterwards Paks equalised, János Szabó's good left-wing cross was headed unmarked by Martin Ádám to the right corner (2-2). At the end of the match, referee Bogár added four minutes, and we were well into extra time when Nego was in position from close range, but his shot was saved by Gergely Nagy. In the last minute, Böde's shot bounced off a corner kick and Lenzsér scored Paks' winning goal from close range (3-2).

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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