Practice match between Vidi and Vidi II on Thursday

The players enjoyed a practice match on Thursday morning before they fly out to Spain on Friday.

Vítor Campelos Vidi B side included several first team squad players in this morning's practice match. Vidi II, who play in the Hungarian third division, included Calatayud in goal, with Pajovics keeping goal in the second half. Other players to play for the second team included Papp, Zsoter, Mamadu, Szolnoki, while Brachi, Lupeta and Zsoter played in the second half.

Vidi II started the match the more active side, with the first chance falling to Baracskai, who shot wide from a sharp angle. Zé Luis headed past Calatayud after 15 minutes, before Brachi increased the lead with a goal. Vidi II player Havasi showed good skill to play himself clear and score a good goal from almost the goal line. That made the friendly half time score 2-1 to the first team.

José Gomes' side then stepped things up in the second half. Zé Luis and Alvarez both found the back of the net, while Perics scored a consolation for Campelos' side. The end result was 6-2 to the first team, who will fly out to Spain tomorrow morning for the second training camp.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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