Oliveira: We will battle for the win

The midfielder returned during the league cup match at Dunajuvaros and played well.

"I had my first chance after a long time in the league cup match at Dunaujvaros, to play 90 minutes on the pitch and I felt really good. It is never easy to come back after a period out, but I am happy that it went as it did, with the team winning. We made it through to the next stage, while I also contributed with two goal assists. We have another tough task ahead of us on Sunday, when we travel to Diosgyőr, where we always have difficult and tight games. We respect our opponents, but we have faith in ourselves at the same time, and in the work we have done. We will battle to win there. We know that we also have a difficult series of matches in front of us. We will have 5 key matches in the space of 2 weeks, with 3 league games and 2 in the Hungarian cup. We are a good side, with everyone knowing their job, while it does not matter who is out there on the pitch. The players that go out their to perform will have to do that to their maximum" - commented Filipe Oliveira to vidi.hu.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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