Vidi visit the league newcomers in their brand new stadium.

Last season, Krisztián Tímár's team, which also includes several former Vidi players, confidently won the NB II championship.

On Sunday at 17:45 we will play Nyíregyháza for the 23rd time in the top division. In the 22 meetings so far, Vidi have had a massive advantage, beating them 16 times with three Nyíregyháza wins and three draws. The goal difference is 40-16 in our favour.

OTP Bank Liga, 2024-2025, Őszi szezon, 5. forduló

25 augusztus vasárnap

Nyíregyháza Spartacus FC
  • Eppel
  • Kovácsréti
  • Babic


Városi Stadion Nyíregyháza

Fehérvár FC
  • Gradisar
  • Kovács
  • Alaxai

Nyíregyháza Spartacus FC

Bese Balázs - Alaxai Áron, Toma György (Kesztyűs Barna 66'), Kovács Milán, Gengeliczki Gergő, Gresó Mátyás (Babic Slobodan 77'), Kovácsréti Márk, Eppel Márton (Beke Péter 59'), Baki Ákos, Nagy Barnabás Szabolcs (Izidorio Matheus Leoni 82'), Farkas Bendegúz Bence (Navratil Jaroslav 66')

Fehérvár FC

Tóth Balázs - Bohdan Melnyik (Huszti András 60'), Nikola Serafimov, Spandler Csaba, Ivan Milicevic (Nicolas Stefanelli 60') - Katona Mátyás (Simut Mario 73'), Tobias Christensen, Csongvai Áron, Bedi Bence (Pető Milán 46'), Holender Filip (Kasper Larsen 81') - Nejc Gradisar

Bognár Tamás

Bognár Tamás

Albert István, Buzás Balázs, Bogár Gergő

The first meeting between the two teams took place on the 13th August 1980 in Székesfehérvár and we won 2-1 with goals from Győző Burcsa and Ferenc Csongrádi. And the last time we met our Sunday opponents was almost a decade ago, on 7th March 2015, also in Székesfehérvár, when we won 3-0 with goals coming from Vinícius, Álvarez and Nikolics. Vidi's goal-scorer has fond memories of Nyíregyháza not only because of this, but also because he scored his 100th NB I goal at home to Szpari a few months earlier.

The highest win:
Two consecutive 4-0 wins against Spartacus at home. In the 4th round of the 1982/83 season with goals by Lajos Májer, József Szabó, Imre Vadász and György Novath, and in the 9th round of the 1983/84 points chase with goals by Imre Vadász 2, Lajos Májer and György Novath.

The league game with the most goals scored:
On May 14, 2005, the sides were part of an eight-goal affair in Székesfehérvár, with our team winning 5-3 against "Szpari". At the break, goals from Tamás Györök and Dani Nagy gave us a 2-0 lead, and in the second half, Norbert Lattenstein increased our lead. After Cipf's goal for the visiting side, Vidi scored again, within seven minutes first Dániel Nagy and then Attila Kuttor scored again. In the last 10 minutes Zoltán Kenesei's double made the score 5-3.

Goalscorers against Nyíregyháza:

3 goals: Imre Vadász, Illés Sitku
2 goals: Lajos Májer, József Szabó, Róbert Waltner, Attila Kuttor, Dániel Nagy, Andre Alves, Nemanja Nikolics
1 goal. Gábor Horváth, György Novath, Lajos Takács, László Czéh, Ferenc Horváth, Balázs Tóth, Norbert Lattenstein, Tamás Györök, Balázs Farkas, Zsolt Dvéri, Ákos Koller, Alison Silva, György Sándor, István Kovács, Paulo Vinícius, Arturo Álvarez.

Old friends
There are also familiar names in Nyíregyháza's coaching staff and squad. Head coach Krisztián Tímár wore the shirts of both teams as a player, and he started his coaching career in Székesfehérvár, at Vidi II in 2017.

Tamás Szalai is a coach with a thousand ties to Vidi, he grew up in Székesfehérvár, then played football in the second half of the 90s and the first half of the 2000s, and finished his career in Vidi II, led by Krisztián Tímár.

He then joined the staff of head coach Marko Nikolic, celebrating a league title in 2018, a Hungarian Cup win in 2019 and being part of our 2018 EL campaign. Later, Tamás Szalai also managed Vidi II as head coach.

Krisztián Géresi won the league title and Hungarian Cup with Vidi in 2018 and 2019, and celebrated the NB II title with Nyíregyháza last season - but due to an unfortunate injury, there is little chance of him playing on Sunday night. However, Olivér Tamás, who was brought up by FTC in 2018 and quickly became a key man for Vidi II, could be on the pitch, and in 2020 he could also make his debut in the top flight. In the previous round - against his former team Paks - he also scored his first NB I goal - now as a Nyíregyháza player.

A difficult start in the top flight after the NB II title

Krisztián Tímár's side won the NB II championship last season with confidence, even though two years ago Szpari had to play a play-off for promotion. Interestingly, it was against Veszprém, led by Tamás Pető, that the team managed to retain their NB II status on Sunday.
Nyíregyháza started this season with a 2-1 win against ETO FC Győr, but since then they have suffered three defeats in a row (MTK - Nyíregyháza 3-0, Puskás Akadémia - Nyíregyháza 3-1, Paks - Nyíregyháza 2-1) - although all three of them were away matches for Krisztián Tímár's side.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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