Marko Nikolic: There were some good moments

The two managers shared their thoughts on Saturday's first pre-season friendly.

Marko Nikolic:
„We are currently not in an easy situation with 14-15 fit players present. Around 7-8 of them can be described as young players. We are trying to share the playing minutes around, but some players, Roland, Danko, Anel, Stopira, Nego and Fiola all played one half. The others had to play the whole game. We really had a very young Vidi side out in the second half. They all battled well and there were good moments during the game. We were much closer to winning towards the end. The result in games like these are not important. However, it is frustrating to concede a goal in the final minute. It is a good lesson for the youngsters that you have to concentrate until the last second on the pitch. We will continue our work tomorrow, but as they played 90 minutes, our plans need to change slightly and there will be regeneration session on Sunday."

Luis Garcia:
„We have been preparing now for two weeks, so it was not that bad and I am satisfied with what I have seen. I think that this was a good game. We are a new side preparing for the first division, but there are no targets of winning the league as there are 7-8 strong opponents in the season. The target for us is to remain in the first division. I played on this pitch as both a player and coach and my home is not too far from the stadium. It was good to see the locals support my side."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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