Koko: The atmosphere is great as we are preparing for the Romania game

Istvan Kovacs was recently called to the Hungarian national squad for the first time

"We have been preparing for Friday's match in a great atmosphere. I managed to bond into the squad without any problems. My room mate, who is Adam Gyurcso, has helped me the most, but my former team mates at Haladas, Peter Halmosi and Richard Guzmics have also offered their help. I also know Vladimir Koman who played in a youth team, one year above, when we were both at Haladas. My relationship till this day has always been good, and we often talk on the telephone. We have not only been practicing various tactical elements with the coaching staff, but they have also placed great importance on both the mental and physiological side of things for the match with Romania. We have lost certain advantages from playing at home, as we would have had several thousand fans behind us. Now we will have to play the game behind closed doors, and we must only concentrate on giving our maximum and gaining three points. " - said Istvan Kovacs.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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