Joan Carrillo: We need to do our talking on the pitch

The Vidi manager spoke ahead of the final game of 2019 and a visit to Kisvarda.

"We worked during the week on our mistakes with the team. We know that this will be an important game from several points. Not only because it is the final league match of the year. We now need to do our talking on the pitch and not talk before the game. I am counting on a complicated and tough match. Kisvarda can be dangerous in the way they play and have good players. It is enough to just pick out Grozav or Cukalas. I am sure that the home side will be really sharp on their home pitch in the final game of the year. I am also sure that those players that get the chance to play for our side will give all they have and come back with 3 points" - commented Joan Carrillo ahead of the game with Kisvarda.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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