Gyorgy Mezey is counting on a strong Honved side

Daniel Nagy is set to miss the cup tie

Gyorgy Mezey: - I am counting on a serious game against Honved, on Wednesday, in the Hungarian cup, 6th round, first leg. I believe that our opponents will play the same powerful game, which they did at the weekend against Ferencvaros. We have looked at how Honved played, and we will be looking to exploit those mistakes that they make. With regards to the line up of my side, It will be pretty much similar to the team, which played MTK. Naturally, there can still be possible changes between now and the kick off on Wednesday. One thing that I can say is that Daniel Nagy will not play in the game. He is currently receiving treatment, after an old injury came back to haunt him on Saturday. That is why I had to take him off in that match, and Gosztonyi will take his place on the right."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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