Friendly match against Ercsi planned for the 6th June

Vidi will be in pre-season friendly action in the first week of June as they travel to face Ercsi.

As previously mentioned, Vidi will begin preparations for the new season in late May. We will also play our first friendly game on Sunday 6th June with a 15:00pm kick off against Ercsi. 

Our opponent plays in the Fejér county first division. They are one round before the end in the 4th place in the table with 47 points, only 1 point behind the 3rd place. Of the 27 league games so far, Ercsi has won 14 and drawn 5 with 8 games having been lost. The team's goal difference is 55-32. Ercsi's top goalscorer is Reicheld Alex, who was previously part of the Vidi youth system, who has scored 13 goals.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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