Exclusive: Adam Simon blog- We are playing football in between the two training sessions

We read the exclusive blog from Spain of Adam SImon.

"Looking back now at the winter break, it seems to have been so short, but it is good to be with the team again, and working together. I can honestly say that it wasn't the first two days of the training camp that has burdened me, but rather the two day medical and tests that we underwent back in Hungary, before traveling and the close to 10 hour travel. I am now in the phases, and I feel the others are too, when you feel comfortable and tired in the evening before going to sleep."

"I cannot say anything bad about the facitlies here at the training camp, and everything has been provided to us to the maximum, so that all we have to do is concentrate on training. Oh, there is one thing that perhaps could be better, which is the internet in the hotel. Sadly the speed is so slow that it makes it hard to surf the net, but we still manage to keep things happy between the two training sessions. We have set up a serious FIFA championship, which 8 of us are taking part in. There are four groups of two that compete. Sandor and Feczesin are together, Juhasz and Koko are another pair. Then there is Gyurcso and Szolnoki and final Fejes and myself. We are the best pairing of course, with Szolnoki in last place (laughter)."

"Andras Fejes is not only my partner in the FIFA game, but also my room mate, and as we both like films, we always watch one in the evening. We both brought plenty of DVD's with us. We also head off for a massage in between training sessions or in the late afternoon, to prevent injuries."

"The first week of the training camp is always more about picking up the stamina and working on fitness. The friendly games will then follow nice and slowly. That will give us all a good impulse, but there is still plenty of work ahead before that."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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