Elek: I would like us to win on Tuesday

Hungary face Finland on Tuesday evening in Budapest in the final European championship qualifier

Akos Elek is currently with the Hungarian national side at the Telki technical centre, ahead of Tuesday's European championship qualifier. Finland's 2-1 defeat to Sweden on Friday, meant that Hungary cannot make it to the play off's, but will finish an impressive third in their group. Elek gave his thoughts on Tuesday's game: "Naturally I am disappointed after the Finland - Sweden match. We knew following our recent win over Sweden that we would have needed to win that match 3-0, to have had any hope of getting second place. We did not manage to win so convincingly and our fate lay out of our hands from that moment on. Finland could have beaten Sweden with a bit of fortune, despite the Fins playing well, it was Sweden who finally won the match, to confirm second place in the group. We would like to complete the group with a win on Tuesday. We would like to win for ourselves, and of course for our supporters. It seems unbelievable that if we win on Tuesday, we will finish on 21 points, but this will still be too little to progress through. The Europrean Qualifiers will come to a close on Tuesday, and we must not focus on the past, and we will soon be fighting to make it to the World Cup."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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