"It is good that we are playing against serious opponents"

Gyorgyi Sandor talks at length about the pre-season so far

Gyorgy Sandor believes that both the hotel and the surroundings are good, and the most important, that the training pitches are all first division quality. Pre-season is underway and everything is going well, with the new players adjusting in well.

"I have known Sandor Torghelle for a long time now, so from this point of view, he does not have a difficult job. The situation with Jeff Silva is a little big harder, but luckily there are a few players within the squad who he can talk to in his own language. I feel that he will not have too many problems adjusting to life at Vidi. I would add that at a training camp, apart from training sessions, the players are not together too much. The players tend to rest in between the training sessions and spend time in their rooms. So team building can take a little longer as a result."

The captain feels that it is important to have a few matches over the next two and a half weeks. "The few weeks break can be felt, even if everyone trained on their own during that time. However, individual training is not the same to when you train together with the team. A real chance to train and develop comes through matches, and there is nothing better in terms of developing than that. The friendly matches will help us all get into form. We still needed the break to recover and rest both physically and mentally, and to recharge ourselves!"

All of our opponents at our Spanish training camp are higher on the rankings, but Gyorgyi Sandor does not feel that this is a disadvantage, but rather an advantage.

"I feel that we will only be able to really develop, if we come up against hard opponents on the pitch. If we are forced to give our all in a match, than we will be able to really move forward. This is why it is really good, that we play serious opponents, which will help us prepare the best for the spring season ahead.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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