"I got what I was expecting from the players"

New manager Joé Gomes sat on the bench at the Sostoi stadium for the first time on Saturday

: The players gave me what I was expecting from them in advance. They showed that they are capable of playing in weather conditions like today. It was difficult to stop on the rain sodden pitch, and change direction or even control the ball. Cup competitions often produce smaller clubs knocking bigger ones out. This is why we had prepared the players at the pre-season camp, to take today's match very seriously. They did this and the secret of today's success is that they gave their all.

Preisinger Sándor: We came up against a Videoton side in good form. If I look at the second half, then I can say that my young side stood their ground. Despite the 4-0 scoreline, which naturally does not give me anything to be pleased about, I still saw some positive aspects. The first half saw them take advantage our our shortcomings, as our central midfielders were not functioning as I had wanted them to. I think that the final result does not paint a true picture, as we also had 4-5 chances, which we could have scored from.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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