"I can see the development in the other players"

Alvaro Brachi spoke to vidi.hu ahead of Sunday's friendly match with Ekranas

One of the world's biggest football magazines included two Videoton players among the best goals of 2011. Division two footballer Patrik Kiraly scored an amazing goal from 43 meters out in a match for Vidi B against Tatabanya. The other Vidi player to make it among the best was Alvaro Brachi, whose fantastic free kick against Diosgyőr, flew in off the post. A Tibor Nylasi led jury decided that the Spanish defenders goal was good enough for the top 10. 

"I am very happy and I remember that goal well. We were leading 1-0, and when I scored our second, the game was settled and we were sure of a win. I had many successful free kicks last year, which could easily have been goals, so I have some catching up to do. The goal against Diosgyőr came at the best time" - said Brachi, as he remembers back. 

He feels that it is not important who scores or how, but that the team should win, and that they continuously develop.

"We train so much and very hard. I would not go as far as to say that no other club in Hungary trains as hard as we don, but I doubt if there is any other club that does more. If I think back to the summer training camp in Italy, then I can see that the players have developed since then. Not only individually but as a team as well, which is needed in order to be successful" - said Brachi. He continued: "The most important, is for us to continue along this road, that we are on now. Developing, and becoming better all the time. I feel that if we can be enthusiastic and work hard, then we can still be in with a chance of winning the domestic championship."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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