UEFA stadium inspector visits the Sostoi

The Sostoi stadium will be home to the Europa league over the summer and beyond

Belgium stadium inspector, Jean-Francois Crucke, from the UEFA stadium security committee, made a visit to Sostoi stadium on Thursday. The delegate is currently in Hungary, and will visit four other stadiums over his two day visit. With Vidi set to take part in the Europa league cup, the club have made sure that everything at the stadium meets the regulations laid down by the European football Association. 

David Rechnitzer, Videoton's international coordinator and Andras Kiss, the facilities director, were both on hand to guide the delegate around the facilities, which included a visit to both dressing rooms, office block, VIP suite, the new media wing, stands and the pitch. The visit lasted over two hours and the delegate was pleased with what he saw. He was especially impressed with the new media wing, which was recently completed, and which meet the strict UEFA guidelines. He also mentioned that he could see that plenty of good work had gone on behind the scenes since the last visit from a delegate last year. He was also shown the new family section, which has recently seen the fencing removed at the front of the stand. 

Jean-Francois Crucke will shortly send his UEFA report to the club.  

Author: David Rechnitzer

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