Vitor Gomes: I would be really satisfied with a win

The midfielder feels that Debrecen will have more pressure on them playing on their home pitch and being three points behind Vidi.

"Debrecen are a very strong side, especially on their home pitch. Despite that, we will be doing everything to return home with a win. Both the team and I are really positive ahead of the match. Each game is different, and you cannot compare the midweek league cup match at Paks with this one. It is very reasurring that we managed to come back from a difficult start on Tuesday. We are currently in first place in the table, with there being three points between Debrecen and us. That could increase to six points if we win. This is why the pressure will be on them, together with the fact that they will be playing on their own pitch. I would be completely satisfied if we can win" - commented midfielder Vitor Gomes to

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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