Vidi look to extend their seven year unbeaten run

Videoton face Haladas at home on Friday night

The first league match:
This came in 1968 when the two met in the 10th game of the season, in Szombathely. The home side won the game, which was played on May 19th, by a 2-1 scoreline. Vidi's goal came from Laszlo Karsai

The first Videoton win:
That also came in the same season on the 19th August 1968, when Videoton won 3-0, with the goals coming from Csukovics (2) and Karsai.

The biggest win:
Vidi have beaten Haladas by 6 goals twice. The first came back on the 7th June 1970, following a 7-1 scoreline at the Sostoi stadium. (Wollek (4), Karsai (2) and Csukovics). Then on the 24th September 1977, it was 6-0 in Fehervar. with Majer scoring a hatrick and Szabo, Burcsa and Karsai among the other scorers. There was also a recent 6-1 score, which took place on May 22 2004, once again at the Sostoi, with Hercegfalvi, Koller, Koczian, Medved, Szabo and a penalty from keeper Tudor doing the damage.

The biggest defeat:
That came back in October 1976, when Haladas beat Vidi 4-0, in a game played in Szombathely.

The longest unbeaten run:
Perhaps not the longest, but presently the most important: Haladas have not won at the Sostoi in 7 years. Their last success came in November 2003, when they won 2-1 away from home, with their goals coming from Kay and Tuske. Szabo scored the consolation goal for Vidi.

Haladas goalscorers:

11 goals: Karsai László
10 goals: Wollek Tibor
6 goals: Szabó József
5 goals: Novath György, Horváth Ferenc
4 goals: Sallói István
3 goals: Májer Lajos, Burcsa Győző, Nagy Tibor, Vadász Imre, Csukovics László
2 goals: Borsányi István, Csucsánszky Zoltán, Emmer László, Petres Tamás, Takács Lajos, Terjék Lajos, Szabó Tibor, Tomas Medved, Sitku Illés, Nemanja Nikolics

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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