The focus turns to the Sostoi stadium

Gyorgy Mezey looks ahead to Friday's home match with Kecskemet

Gyorgy Mezey: - "Let's not count, or start to work out the maths as to when we may be league champions. I would ask rather that everyone who cares about Videoton FC, make their way to the Sostoi stadium on Friday evening, to support the team. I have also told the players the same. The players will be fighting to make sure that we achieve our aims. This club, the crowd, the town all deserve to be league champions! I would stress once again that we do not need to start counting, but rather supporters come out and back the team to the full. Hopefully they will create a great atmosphere inside the stadium. We will need their full support as Kecskemet will be hard to beat. I am sure that Kecskemet will come at us and fight and make things difficiult. We will need to be patient and hopefully we can come out on top and pick up another three points."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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