Tamas Peto: We deserved the win

The two manager's shared their thoughts on the game.

Pető Tamás: We deserved to win by the margin that we did and still had several other chances. We will deal with the win internally, which will prove significant if we can win our next match. We have started on a good route, which I would not like to come off. We felt that we needed to make changes to the team following the defeat at Paks. The same also applied to the formation. We practiced all week and the players carried out what he had planned. It brought the result. This squad is capable of playing in different formations. Today's was just one of those and fortunately it worked.

Nebojsa Vignjevic: Even not by 3-0 but our opponents deserved the win. I will add that we did a lot in the second half to make sure the final result was as it was. I am thinking here of the penalty and sending off. We played well in the first half, but could not convert that into goals. Vidi had more chance to attack in the second half, while we just tried. We could not function as a team today. I would like to congratulate Vidi on their win!

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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