Questions and answers with Paulo Vinicius

We asked the players questions about their everyday lives, the habits and whether there are any important aspects that play a vital role besides work and learning.

Hi! My name is Helga, and I will try my best to help you get to know the players that play week in, week out for Videoton better. Here is my question and answer session with defender Paulo Vinicius. Let's get straight to it.

- How do you keep in touch with those back at home?
Mainly via the internet but I do phone home at least once a week.

- What do you most like about Hungary?
I like the way the Hungarians live. The people are calm and very friendly, and there are many times when they stop me in the street and ask how I am. I like this calm life, and I am happiest when I feel this way.

- Do you ever get homesick. What do you do at times like that?
I listen mainly to music at times like this, go on the internet, watch Brazilian videos, or phone home and talk a little to my friends back there.

 - What would you change about your personality if you had to?
I like to keep my distance a little. I would like to change in this area, so that I can communicate more and easily with people.

- What are the most important factors that you look for in a woman?
To be company and also honest. I feel that these are the two most important things, so if she has them, then the rest can be adjusted.

- Do you usually buy flowers for your wife?
Not really, I have probably bought her flowers three times: When our son was born, mother’s day and her birthday.

- What do you do and where do you go to unwind a little?
If I want to unwind and switch off, or reduce the stress, then I close the door in my bedroom and listen to music. 

- Is there a place in the world that you have not yet been to but would really like to visit?
There are many places like this, but the USA is the place I would most like to go to, and especially to Miami.

- What housework do you most happily do?
I enjoy cooking.

- Do you have a favourite among the tattoos you have?
The one on my upper right arm. It says a lot about me. On the one hand that I am very religious and on the other that I am the type of person that enjoys dreaming. The words also describe that you need to turn the dreams into reality.

- Do you watch cartoons?
I have to due to my young son, but I do enjoy them generally.

- Where would you be happier to live, in a small village or big town?
That is a difficult question, but I feel that I would prefer the quieter place at the moment.

- Do you have any childhood memories that you happily reflect back to?
My childhood ended fairly quickly. I was always on the road to go training, matches or to school. I was always going somewhere. I most happily remember back to those mornings when my father woke me up, so that I would go training, and I would then run from there to school. 

- What was your favourite subject at school?
P.E. but I also really enjoyed Portuguese.

- What do you imagine yourself doing if you had not been a footballer?
I cannot really imagine myself doing anything different, but if I would have to choose, then it would either be a chef, as I think it is a good thing if someone can cook well, or perhaps I would work with cars.

- What has been the best memory of your career so far?
The Europa League run. I had just arrived from South America, from Uruguay exactly, and I was very curious about Europe, and what life would be like. It was fantastic to achieve big success so quickly, playing against big sides and even scoring a goal, so I will always keep these memories among the best.

- Do you have any pre-match habits that you have to do?
Nothing special, although I do like to go out first on to the pitch to warm up.

- What is your favourite meal?
Steak with rice and beans.

- How would you describe the atmosphere inside the dressing room?
It is very good. We continuously tease each other. The music is also always playing, which is normal inside a dressing room. The atmosphere is the kind that should be with a team that is very much together.

- How do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
I am sure that I want to still be playing football, winning league titles and playing in the Champions league.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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