Nikolics: "We will prove on Sunday that we are a strong side"

Videoton will be after all three league points on Sunday afternoon

"We spent today discussing the mistakes we made in the league cup final, and now the total focus in on Sunday's league match. It will not be an easy game at all, but we are a good team. We need to move on, and we must not allow to start from Wednesday's game. The hours after the cup final were very hard for the players, but we are very strong mentally, and you could feel this during Thursday's training session. Even the best sides can have a bad day at the office. Sunday's game will be a totally different match. It will be the most important league game of the season, and we will step out onto the pitch with the aim of getting all three points. This is what we have to do for ourselves and for the supporters. As I have said, we are a strong side and a good team, and we will show this on Sunday." - said Vidi striker Nemanja Nikolics.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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