Niko is better but he still had to spend the night in the hospital in Győr

The striker was rushed to hospital by ambulance during Wednesday's cup semi-final match

Nikolics received a kick in the 64th minute of the Hungarian cup semi-final tie at the ETO park on Wednesday. He lost consciousness for a while, before being rushed to the local hospital by ambulance.

Club doctor Erik Gyarmati gave an update on the striker's condition: "Nemanja Nikolics suffered serious concussion during a collision. The CT results fortunately showed that there are no neurological symptoms, or rather he did not suffer any permanent damage. He will stay in hospital on Wednesday evening where he will be looked after. There will be another scan on Thursday before we know when he can come home" - said Dr Gyarmati. 

Niko sent the following message from his hospital bed: "I would like to thank everyone, who has sent me good wishes. I cannot remember exactly about the situation leading up to my collision, but I feel better now, and I will do all I can so that I can get back on to the pitch as soon as possible."

We wish Niko a speedy recovery!

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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