José Gomes: The match with Debrecen will decide the league championship

Both managers spoke to the gathered media after Sunday's OTP league match.

José Gomes: I said against Pecs that the supporters were right to be upset, as we did not play well, but today I cannot say that, as the team fought with the will to win the match. Just as at every big club, where there is an expectation to win each game, it is normal for supporters to react as they did today. We did not get three penalties last week, and we did not get one today when Gyurcso was fouled in the box, despite what they said on TV about the situation, and there was also a foul on Caneira in the lead up to their goal. I did not have to say anything in the dressing room after the match, as they gave support, that they had battled well for each other, and if we can continue like this, then we will win the matches in the future. If we know who we are playing against, then we can prepare, and I can get the players ready, but it cannot be done against unexpected opponents. I am thinking here about the referee. Debrecen did not win today, so the battle is still open, and in two weeks time, we will play Debrecen, which will determine the outcome of the league.

Horváth Ferenc: We played in a good match, where we were in control during the first half. At half time, after the sending off, I told the players that we could get the win in the 75th or 85th minute, so lets not take things too quick, and lets remain calm, as Vidi could take the lead from a counter attack, which would see us chasing the match again. We managed to achieve all of this, which is why I am very happy. We received mixed reviews following last week's 2-5 result, so it was not easy to shake the players up, but we have been playing well until now, although the results have not been coming, but today we had no problem with this. I was more pleased about the sending off than the penalty, as I felt that we could beat a 10 man Vidi, who by the way battled heroically and played well. I am not interested if the penalty or the sending off was valid, the main thing is that we won.


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