Joan Carrillo: "The win was the most important aspect against Haladas and we managed that"

The two managers shared their views on the match shortly after the final whistle.

Joan Carrillo: I would firstly like to congratulate my team after they won their eighth match. I would also like to congratulate Haladas for the way they fought throughout, and they tried to stay in the match until the final minute. I was satisfied with what I saw in the first half, although unfortunately we tried to continuously play through the middle instead of out on the wings during the second half. The most important aspect was to win and our basic philosophy was realized, that if for whatever reason we do not play well, as our style of play is not best suited to the pitch at the Rohonci street stadium, then we will need to battle, which the players did until the last minute. 

Artner Tamás: I would like to congratulate Vidi for their win. This was the real Haladas today and what we practiced during the week against Videoton, could be seen until the sending off. We could finally put out our best line-up, but the red cards turned things on their head, and we also let in silly goals. I would like to take my hat off to the team for the way they battled until the end. The fact that we coped with just 8 outfield players means that we are fine physically. Today's performance showed positive signs for the future despite the result. I do regret the fact that we will now have two experienced players missing in the next couple of games.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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