Joan Carrillo: The match with MTK is a very important one but it will not decide anything

We asked the head coach about the kind of game he was expecting against MTK.

"MTK are not in second place by accident, with the blue and white's squad having very good players. Saturday's opponent’s main strength is in their attacking, and they have scored many goals in their league matches so far. At the same time I also have a team made up of very good players. It will be a very difficult game, but our only aim is to win it. I do not know what quality the pitch will be in, but this is a major factor in the match. Naturally it is also true that if the pitch is in a bad state, then it will make the job of playing football harder for both sides, and not only our own. We comfortably beat MTK 5-0 in the autumn fixture, but it would be a mistake to take that game into consideration. This is mainly because we will not be playing the same team that we had when we won 5-0. Roland Juhasz will not be featuring in the game. Sandor Torghelle is a very correct person, who I can also call a friend. I read his comments regarding Saturday's match where he said that we had already won the league title. If this was true then the Hungarian FA would have already handed over the trophy. However, this has not happened, with a third of the league season still to play. We have not won any trophies so far this season. Football is an amazing game as anything can happen out there on the pitch. Who would have thought that PSG would have beaten Chelsea at their own stadium with a player less? It is true to say that we are in a good position with 11 matches still to play of the season, but the final success is still far away. We continue to work very hard. The match with MTK is a very important game but nothing will be decided from the fixture" - commented Joan Carrillo.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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