Joan Carrillo: The league cup match against Ajka is a good chance for the youngsters

We asked the Videoton head coach for his thoughts on the league cup match.

"We have 8 players who are with the various international teams this week, so from that point of view the league cup is not starting at the best possible time. This also provides the young players with a chance, although it would be ideal if they would play in circumstances where I am free to make these decisions and not forced to. One thing sure is that those players coming in from the second team will have a really good chance to show what they can do in the match with Ajka, as they are a strong second division side. I want to get the best out of this situation, which would be to win the match. We continuously pay attention to the young players, and we have had some of them training with us for several days now. They have performed well and are developing at an optimum tempo. They will sooner or later get their chance to play in the first team. It is a basic philosophy that foreign players will only get the chance to play if they can produce a considerably higher performance than the Hungarian players. If they can only play at the same level, or a little bit better, then I would like to give the Hungarian players the chance" - commented Joan Carrillo to


Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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