It is important that the young players get an opportunity to play

Manager Gyorgy Mezey looks back on the friendly defeat to Famagusta.

Lets look at the facts one-by-one. The first is that we would have won this game, had we had our standard players here with us, and only they would have played in the match. However, the question of why do we bring out 21 players to a training camp like this is justified, if we only use 11? It would not have been good to allow the others to just sit on the bench. I thought it would be better to use them even if we lose. We are still missing Gabor Horvath, Akos Elek, Laszlo Lencse, Daniel Nagy and Vasziljevics. Three of those are key players for us. In their place were three young players, Ponczok, Baracskai and Szolnoki, who at some point will have to begin getting familiar with the international pace, style and routine. I am looking in the long term to build a team with them in it.

The defeat against Famagusta was realistic. At the same time, there is a positive side to this, that we could see our strengths and weaknesses in black and white."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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