Important information to supporters traveling to the first leg

Videoton FC will travel to Bratislava for Thursday's Europa League qualifier, first leg

Let's support Videoton together on Thursday!

Videoton FC begin their Europa league adventure on the 19th July, at the home of Slovan. The club take very seriously the security of the match, with the fate of our supporters even more important! Please find below important information with regards to Thursday's game. 

The police ask the supporters for the game, to do their best to aid their work. We thank you in advance for your help!


Videoton FC will be providing organized coaches to the location of the match. Supporters driving in their own cars to the game can join the convoy, with the following route being used.

The Hungarian police have asked for the help of the Slovakian police in assisting the following planned convoy:

13:30 - Supporters will meet up in Székesfehérvár, by the market square
14:00 - TIME CHANGE! The Alba Volán separate coach will begin from Fehervar towards Győr, with the Hungarian police providing an escort along the 81 road. Please take into consideration the time change with regards to this bus!
15:30 - Arrival on the M1 motorway at the 119 junction service area. We would ask supporters making their own way to join the convoy at this point, with a police escort being provided.
16:00 - Continue further along the M1 motorway in the direction of Rajka. 
17:00 - Arrival at the old Rajka border, where the meeting point will take place on the Slovakian side. There are no shops available at this point, with only toilets on offer for supporters. We would ask supporters making their own way to join the convoy under a police escort.
17:30 - Convoy continues in the direction of Bratislava along the D2 motorway, with both Hungarian and Slovakian police assisting with an escort. 
18:30 - Arrival at the Pasienky stadium visiting car park.

We would ask all supporters to take into consideration the starting time, as we can not alter the timing of the police escort. We would also like to point out that alcohol is not permitted on the supporters coach.

The organized buses will depart from the stadium to Hungary at 22:45-23:00pm, arriving once again at the market square. We would ask supporters making their own way home to join the convoy under police escort, at least until the Hungarian border.

Further information for supporters arriving by car:  
The Slovakian motorway vignette costs 10€. We would recommend that you purchase these on the Hungarian side and place them on your windscreen. The final point of purchase is on the M1 MOL service station, or on the Slovakian side where you can pay in euro by cash only.

In the event that you have any questions in connection with the organized route, we would ask you to email our colleagues at


in the interests of a smooth match without any problems, the Slovakian police have issued several important points, which they ask supporters to abide by. Taking into account the high security risks that the match has, the Slovakian police will be present inside the stadium.

The Videoton supporters will be able to gain entry via Trnavska street, on the side of the Kaufland shopping centre, in to the Pasienky stadium. Slovakian police will provide security for the visiting car park at this end of the stadium. This will help supporters to get into the visiting section without any problems. The map below shows that sections SH1 and SH2 will be designated for the Videoton supporters.

Tickets for visiting supporters will not be available on the day of the match!

Stadium area

A stadion

Security zones, check points

There will be a 3 step process in operation at the visiting section, under the guidance of both the Bratislava club and Videoton FC security personal.

We would ask our supporters to provide the ID cards/passport that they produced at the time they bought the match tickets, and these should be ready to be shown when entering the stadium.

The first checkpoint will be carried out by security officers, to check that supporters have a valid match ticket and ID card. The second security point will be present by the turnstiles, which will include reading the tickets and a body search to be carried out by stewards. The body search will help to make sure that banned items are not taken into the stadium, which will be listed at each entrance. The third checkpoint will take place in the visiting section, before entrance into the stadium, where another ticket check will take place, together with another body search by stewards. 

The Pasienky stadium in accordance with UEFA security rules, just as in Hungary, will have camera's in operation, which will not only record the match, but events both before and during the event. The organizers will take out any person causing trouble, or those who use fire crackers, as well as those under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, and will hand them over to the local police.

Weapons are not allowed into the stadium, which include knives, any form of pyrotechnics, crackers, sprays and bottles, as well as umbrella's and flags that have sticks. All banners/signs, flags will be checked by the security officers at the entrance. We would ask the supporters to pay attention, that any flags, signs, banners, which offend the Slovakian state or the feelings of the people, will not be permitted. The Slovakian authorities will begin proceedings against any person in possession of any of the above. 

There will be two bufe's in operation at the visiting section during the match, and supporters will only be able to pay with euros. We would recommend that supporters chance currency in Hungary. The Bufe will not be serving alcohol in accordance with UEFA rules, with only drinks and snacks on offer.

We would ask our supporters to take notice of the above, in order that the match be played without any problems, and to assist the Slovakian authorities, who will be strictly following the regulations!

Further useful information:

Hungarian Embassy in Slovakia
Tel No: +42 191 764 4515

Szerző: David Rechnitzer