Henning Berg: I am satisfied with the 3-0 victory

The two managers shared their thoughts on Saturday's game.

Henning Berg:

I am very pleased with the win. It was a tough game and we beat a good side that came to defend and made things hard for us. We knew that they would be dangerous from set-pieces and inside the box, but we managed to defend well. We had to play with patience and the pitch did not help our quick passing game. Honved also defended well but we carried out our work in a good way. The match became more open after the first goal. This suited us and we scored further goals. I am satisfied with the mentality that the players showed. This was a big game and it ended with a perfect result. Lazovic' first goal? It was fantastic! Eric Cantona came into my head as he scored a similar goal, but perhaps Danko's was even harder. He ran and then scored with his left foot. He played an important role in the whole game. He won the penalty for us and then scored again towards the end of the game. I am pleased that he is playing in top form now. Kispest played well for a 10 minute spell after the sending off. Our game did not go as we would have wanted it to in this period. We must not think that it is easy to play against 10 men. We managed to settle things later and win the game 3-0.

Marco Rossi:

The home side managed one dangerous attack until the first goal. Things went favourably for them after that. Vidi sat back in the second half and when we played with 10 men, we still managed to dominate. There were questions about the decisions of the match official. I need to take a look back at them and see which of those were correct and the ones that were not. Lazovic is a very intelligent player. We made a mistake leading up to the first goal, but the game should have ended up differently than it did. Outside factors decided the game.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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