Ferenc Horvath: We continued to go forward until the very last second

The two head coaches shared their thoughts on Saturday's league match.

Horváth Ferenc:

"It was a very tough game. We had chances in the first half, and even more in the second period. I could feel on the players that they were trying to rush to get the first goal. This is why I told them at half time to relax and the goal would come eventually. If it has to come in the final minute, then so be it. However, I did not think that they would take my words that seriously.... Nobody can take away from us that we still pushed forward in the very final minutes in order to win the match. We got our rewards in the end by winning the match. This did not only apply to the players, but the supporters who stayed with us until the end. I would like to thank them for their backing!"

Robert Jarni:

"It was a hard game with chances at both ends. Both sides could have scored more goals, but the sending off towards the end settled the game. I would like to praise the players for the attitude they showed. However, we need a little bit more than this to win games. It is hard to work out what is missing from our game to get the three points. If I have to say anything, it would be that we need to take the chances that come our way."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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