Ferenc Horvath: There were chances in today's game aswell

The two head coaches shared their thoughts on the league game at Felcsut.

Ferenc Horváth:

"It was an interesting match, and we have to admit that we did not play well. It is never easy playing against opponents like today. You can however, play efficiently, which is why it is hard to talk now. Our players had one-on-one chances three times, but were denied by their keeper. If we could have scored from just one of those, I would not have to sit here and explain. Although to be honest I do not wish to make any excuses. We have created 10-11 chances over the course of our last two games, but we did not manage to score from them. It looks like we need to focus more energy in this area in the future. Last week's game was very costly as we missed several players who were out. We still had chances despite that and tried all we could to win the game."

Zoran Szpisljak:

"I was counting on a game like this, as we knew exactly what Vidi are capable of. We had slight problems in the first 5 minutes on our right side. Our young player, Pilan struggled to cope with the tempo, but he soon adjusted and settled down. I got moreorless what I had asked from my players. We played with organization and hit quick attacks. The home side had more chances in the second half, and we were forced back a little towards the end. However, we stood our ground and still hit counter attacks, which we had planned. I am pleased with the point and it could have been more with a bit of luck. We scored another goal, but I need to look at it again as it looked fine from where I was standing. It could be that the match officials saw something from another angle that I did not."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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