Ferenc Horvath: It will be very hard to win while we do not learn how to battle on the pitch

The two managers shared their thoughts on Saturday's OTP league match.

Horváth Ferenc: "They usually say that 90% of live is about battling in work, while the remaining 10% is about enjoying it. I think the same about this with football. Until we do not learn to fight on the pitch, it will be very difficult to win, even if we have good players. We need to do much more to win a game despite having a goal disallowed, winning a penalty and creating big chances. Sometimes you have to die out there on the pitch, sometimes a win just falls into your hands, but this was not the case today, so I have a feeling of emptiness. Haladas did everything to get the win and I would like to congratulate them on the 3 points."

Mészöly Géza: "I have had several home games where I have been fortunate to be happy together with the team. Tonight was another fantastic evening. I am extremely proud of the team. We were together as a side from the first minute of the game. Perhaps some will be bored about another 1-0, so I ask forgiveness to them. However, I do not count myself as one of them. Naturally it is always good to win a game by more goals, but I am totally satisfied with the win today. I would gladly celebrate for the next two weeks, but we do not have the chance for this as we have to play Vidi again on Wednesday. The Hungarian cup is very important for us and we will be taking it very seriously."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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