A typical day at the training camp

We show you what life is like at the Marbella training camp where Vidi currently are

The daily program begins with a joint breakfast at around 9am. The group is then split in to two parts, following breakfast, with one group heading to the gym for some strenthening, while the other group does the same the following day. The group then heads off to the nearby training pitches, which are located close to the hotel. Paulo Sousa and his coaching staff then run the players through a ninety minute session, before they return to the hotel for a shower and some rest, and a massage for those players who require it. A joint lunch is then served at around 13:00pm.

The players retire back to their rooms for some quiet rest, before returning to the training pitches for the 16:00pm training session. The day is completed with a dinner for the entire squad, with the players in bed at around 22:00pm, for some well earned sleep, in order to be ready for the next day.

The players have been given a room to share between two as follows: Tujvel-Bozsovics, Sándor-Nikolics, Jeff Silva-Vinicius, Vasziljevics-Szolnoki, Pajovics, Polonkai-Gyurcsó, Gosztonyi-Tóth, Vaskó-Apostolopoulos, Elek-Mitrovics, Evandro-Hector, Torghelle-Oliveira, Walter Lee-Caneira, Alves-Brachi.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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