"We will have to play to our maximum to get into the final"

Paulo Sousa looks forward to the Hungarian cup, semi-final, second leg tie at the Sostoi stadium

- MTK are a side that we must show full respect to. They have practically won the second division this season, and will be back playing in the first division, which is where they belong. They are a side made up of young players, and a very good team at the same time. They made things very difficult for us in the first half of the first leg tie recently. They also showed that they have an unbelivable character! Tuesday's game will be the second half of the 180 minute tie, and we will have to fully concentrate playing dynamically throughout, and we also need to make sure that MTK are unable to play their own game. We will be taking this game very seriously, both individually and collectively, and we will have to perform to our maximum, in order to progress in to the final of the Hungarian cup, which is our aim. - said Paulo Sousa.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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