"It is always good to start the season with a win"

Both manager's spoke to the media following Wednesday's Super Cup final

: It is always good to begin a season with a win, and it makes it even more special, if it is against the most difficult opponent. I would like to congratulate my players, who showed great dedication and a will to win in the match. I am proud of them that this can be seen in each game we play. I would like to wish all the Hungarian teams lots of success over the coming season, in order that Hungarian football can continue to develop, which is what we all work for everyday.

: We played well in the first half, and we dictated play during that period, while we quickly took the lead. We scored another goal in the second half, which the referee did not award, although I felt that it was a perfectly good goal. We then closed back as the game went on, even though we did not plan to do this beforehand. However, we had to do this to combat Videoton's continuous attacks. I feel that both teams wanted to win the match, and I would like to congratulate Videoton on their win. 

Szerző: David Rechnitzer